Troubleshooting startCluster#
If you are having problems at Step 3 (Start Cluster) in your Distributed-CellProfiler runs, you may find the following troubleshooting information helpful.
If there is a problem with the IamFleetRole
in your Fleet File, you may get the following error:
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidSpotFleetRequestConfig) when calling the RequestSpotFleet operation: Parameter: SpotFleetRequestConfig.IamFleetRole is invalid.
If there is a problem with the IamInstanceProfile
in your Fleet File, you may get the following error:
Your spot fleet request is causing an error and is now being cancelled. Please check your configuration and try again
spotFleetRequestConfigurationInvalid : c5.xlarge, ami-0f161e6034a6262d8, Linux/UNIX: Value
Check your FleetFile.json. Confirm that in the
is an instance-profile NOT a role (e.g."arn:aws:iam::012345678901:instance-profile/ecsInstanceRole"
). This is different from theIamFleetRole
at the top of the FleetFile.json that is a role.Confirm that your ecsInstanceRole was created correctly. If you created resources manually, using either the CLI or the console, you may have missed part of the
creation. In your command line, runaws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role --role-name ecsInstanceRole
. If it returns{"InstanceProfiles": []}
, then run the following commands:
aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name ecsInstanceRole
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --role-name ecsInstanceRole --instance-profile-name ecsInstanceRole
If there is a problem with the SubnetId
in your Fleet File, you may get the following error:
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidSpotFleetRequestConfig) when calling the RequestSpotFleet operation: One of the provided subnets was not valid.
If there is a problem with the Groups
in your Fleet File, you may get the following error:
Your spot fleet request is causing an error and is now being cancelled. Please check your configuration and try again
spotFleetRequestConfigurationInvalid : c5.xlarge, ami-0f161e6034a6262d8, Linux/UNIX: The security group 'sg-01234567890123451atest' does not exist in VPC 'vpc-0123456789012345'