Advanced Configuration of DCP#

We’ve tried very hard to make Distributed-CellProfiler light and adaptable, but keeping the configuration settings to a manageable number requires making some default assumptions. Below is a non-comprehensive list of places where you can adapt the code to your own purposes.

Changes you can make to Distributed-CellProfiler outside of the Docker container#

  • Location of ECS configuration files: By default these are placed into your bucket with a prefix of ‘ecsconfigs/’. Alternate locations can be designated in the run script.

  • Log configuration and location of exported logs: Distributed-CellProfiler creates log groups with a default retention of 60 days (to avoid hitting the AWS limit of 250) and after finishing the run exports them into your bucket with a prefix of ‘exportedlogs/LOG_GROUP_NAME/’. These may be modified in the run script.

  • Advanced EC2 configuration: Any additional configuration of your EC2 spot fleet (such as installing additional packages or running scripts on startup) can be done by modifying the userData parameter in the run script.

  • SQS queue detailed configuration: Distributed-CellProfiler creates a queue where unprocessed messages will expire after 14 days (the AWS maximum). This value can be modified in .

Changes that will require you to make your own Docker container#

  • CellProfiler version: We try to keep Distributed-CellProfiler up to date with the latest stable release of CellProfiler, but in case you want to use your own Dockerized version of a different CellProfiler build you can edit the Dockerfile to call that CellProfiler Docker instead.

  • Alarm names or thresholds: These can be modified in the run-worker script.

  • Frequency or types of information included in the per-instance logs: These can be adjusted in the instance-monitor script.

  • CellProfiler command line flags: These can be modified in the cp-worker script.

  • Log stream names or logging level: These can be modified in the cp-worker script.

Changes to CellProfiler pipeline to use Distributed-CellProfiler with RunCellpose plugin#

  • Distributed-CellProfiler version: At least CellProfiler version 4.2.4, and use the DOCKERHUB_TAG in as bethcimini/distributed-cellprofiler:2.1.0_4.2.4_plugins.

  • **Custom model: If using a custom User-trained model generated using Cellpose, add the model file to S3. We use the following structure to organize our files on S3.

   └── <project_name>
      └── workspace
           └── model
               └── custom_model_filename
  • RunCellpose module:

    • Inside RunCellpose, select the “custom” Detection mode. In “Location of the pre-trained model file”, enter the mounted bucket path to your model. e.g. /home/ubuntu/bucket/projects/<project_name>/workspace/model/

    • In “Pre-trained model file name”, enter your custom_model_filename